My Courses

This content is for Rational Living Therapy Level-One Certification, Rational Living Therapy Level-Two Certification, Rational Living Therapy Level-Three Certification, Rational Living Therapy Level-Four Certification, Treating Resistant Depression, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: The Basics of Helping People Get Better, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Persuasion Techniques, Rational Hypnotherapy Certification Program, Advanced Rational Hypnotherapy Certification Program, Utilizing CBT with Children, Mental Health Technician Certification, Mental Health Paraprofessional Certification, Treating Addiction, Treating Panic and Agoraphobia, Treating Anger, Treating Trauma, Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Developing Effective Rational Replacement Thoughts, Treating Sexual Performance Disorders, Treating Depression, Treating Grief, Treating Low Self-Esteem, CBT Persuasion Techniques, Advanced Recognition & Correction of Irrational Thoughts, Treating Sexual and Pornography Addiction, Treating Resistant Clients, Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders, Treating Relationship / Marital Problems, Treating Eating Disorders, Treating Personality Disorders – Part One, Treating Personality Disorders – Part Two, Treating Social Phobia, Treating Worry and Generalized Anxiety, Powerful Behavioral Techniques for Difficult Cases, The Finer Points of the Emotional ABCs, Anger Management Specialist Certification, Anxiety Specialist Certification, Depression Specialist Certification, Substance Abuse Counselor Certification, Substance Abuse Therapist Certification, Anger Management Paraprofessional Certification, Certified Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapist, and Certified Cognitive-Behavioral Group Facilitator members only.
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